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Lasagna Bulb Planting in Containers


Growing Spring Blooms With Limited Space

Flowers will always be one of my favorite things to grow in the garden. As someone with a small garden, I've always felt limited in growing flowers like spring bulbs, because I would see them in beautiful landscape designs on instagram and in magazines.

Lasagna bulb planting allows gardeners with small gardens to plant multiple types of spring bulbs in one container in a layered pattern based on when they would bloom. This method allows you to enjoy beautiful blooms from February through sometimes May. This is my new favorite way to grow flowers, as I love seeing the variety of colors pop up in my garden during those cold months before the rest

of my garden wakes up.

Lasagna Bulb Planting Combinations

If you google search "lasagna bulb planting combination", you'll find different combinations for lasagna bulb planting that you can try out in your containers. I'll walk you through the spring bulb combination that I planted last fall that has produced beautiful blooms for me this February through April.

Planting Spring Bulbs in the Fall

Fall is the best time to plant flower bulbs in the ground and in containers, as certain

types of spring bulbs require cold temperatures to initiate the flower blooming process. My oldest daughter and I planted spring bulbs around late October and early November. I purchased spring bulbs from different bulb companies that had spring bulbs on sale and I also purchased discounted spring bulbs from Lidl.

The National Gardening Association lists multiple flower bulbs that are considered spring bulbs that you can choose from to create a cool lasagna bulb flower arrangement in containers or in the ground depending on your preference.

Lasagna Bulb Layers

The combination of spring bulbs that we planted were tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and crocuses. The smallest container size that I used for planting my spring bulbs was around 12-14 inches in diameter, and 14-15 inches in height. Before adding any bulbs, I added about 3 inches of soil to the bottom of the pot.

  1. Tulips: The first layer of bulbs that were planted at the bottom of the container were tulips. I spaced the bulbs around 2 inches from one another and placed them in a circular pattern within the planter. Tulips are usually the last to bloom in this combination, as they start to flower around early April. After I planted tulips, I covered them with about an inch of soil.

  2. Daffodils: The next layer of bulbs are daffodils. These were spaced between 2-3 inches in the planter. Daffodils bloom around early March in zone 7. Next I covered this layer of bulbs with soil.

  3. Hyacinths: After the daffodils layer I planted hyacinth bulbs. These were planted about 2-3 inches apart. The hyacinth bulbs bloomed around mid March. I also covered these with another inch of soil.

  4. Crocuses: Lastly I planted crocus bulbs as the top layer of the planter and spaced them pretty closely as the bulbs are pretty small. The crocus bulbs bloomed between mid to late February.

The temperatures reached low to mid 80's this past week in my zone while I was out of town which is too hot for spring bulbs. I returned to most of my spring blooms dying. I'm still deciding what I will do with the bulbs once the entire plant has died back, as I may be able to dig up the bulbs and keep them for next year's spring blooms. Stay tuned as I hope to share what I plan to do with these blooms once I do more research on the varieties I planted.

Happy Gardening!

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